Business Model

SaaS / On Premises

You decide whether to rent or buy COOR and have the choice of operating COOR via your own IT infrastructure or our data center.


Installation and operation in the COOR data center, rental of software licences, maintenance agreement for updates and helpdesk included.

COOR On Premises

Installation and operation of COOR in the customer's IT system environment, rental of software licences, maintenance agreement for updates and helpdesk included.

Reliability guaranteed

Information Security

COOR offers high-performance hosting in two redundant ISO 27001:2013 certified data centers in Germany. Hosting services include the operation of the entire IT infrastructure, the provision and maintenance of COOR software, and the storage of project data.

System Requirements

The system requirements describe the necessary software and hardware requirements for the on-premises operation of the COOR software in your network.

Security options

To ensure special security options, COOR guarantees controlled access to data through authentication – optionally also single sign-on – and the role-based authorization system. In addition, an independent team of experts regularly performs penetration tests to verify compliance with internal guidelines and legal requirements.